UUCF Monthly Food Collection & Reclaim Our Vote Postcard Pickup
Hosted by Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
2709 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA 22124
Pick up packets of Reclaim Our Vote postcards at the September Food Drive. Once you fill out the postcards, you will mail them to North Carolina voters who have been purged from voter rolls. The postcards tell recipients how to re-register in time for the Nov. 3 election. Sign up here to reserve a packet. Instructions and stamps provided in the packets. Contributions toward postage costs welcome.
Four ways to donate:
- Drop off a check at the food drive, payable to UUCF;
- Donate here: https://onrealm.org/UUCF/-/give/UUVote
- text “UUFairfax UU the Vote” to 73256 using your mobile device; or
- send a check, payable to UUCF, to Susan Bennett, 1855 Stratford Park Pl. #212, Reston, VA 20190.
Questions? Contact Susan Bennett or Marcia Tugendhat.
Contact Person: Andrew Batcher, abatcher@uucf.org or (240) 475-2042